Va' Sentiero is based on an inclusive format.
You too can walk with us! Sign up for the stages and...
Set off to discover the highlands with us!
Scroll down to discover the Va' Sentiero format and the next experiences in the pipeline ;)
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Pack your backpack!

Walk with us!
How to get organized
Click on the link to find a list of the recommended technical equipment.
Each participant is fully responsible for the choice of their equipment, considering that some accessories are essential (here in blue).
Trip participation implies taking full personal responsibility and requires complete autonomy!
Organize your journey in the best possible way:
● consult the maps of the territories we will cross,
● ask for information on the difficulties of the route to the reference Italian Alpine Club section, to assess your suitability for the route;
● find out about the weather;
● carry the backpack as the only luggage and take all the necessary equipment with you;
● independently book a bed in the mountain lodges / hostels / B & Bs of the stages;
● plan your trips to move independently to / from the stopovers.
Remeber! Mountain trails (which are not pilgrimage paths) require adequate physical preparation and experience.
Those suffering from vertigo and heart and / or respiratory problems are strongly discouraged from participating.
For details and useful information exchange among all participants, subscribe to the Facebook group Va' Sentiero Community!
Participation in the Va' Sentiero adventure is completely voluntary.
Va' Sentiero is NOT a tour operator, but a non-profit project carried out by young volunteers.
Participation in the trip therefore implies taking full personal responsibility and requires full autonomy. Minors must be accompanied and are under the full responsibility of their parents or guardians.
The Va' Sentiero Association is not responsible for the organization of the trip and the injuries of the participants.
The participant therefore DECLARES:
● to be aware that the Va' Sentiero Association does not provide any service and / or performance of any kind to the hikers, even if they are associated with the aforementioned association;
● to be in a suitable psychophysical condition for non-competitive sporting activities, as well as to be aware of the degree of difficulty (however, variable) of the Sentiero Italia;
● to be aware of any risks connected with the practice of non-competitive sporting activity carried out while traveling through the Sentiero Italia, even though it cannot be considered a potentially dangerous activity;
● to take from now on any and all responsibility regarding their person, for personal damage and / or damage caused to others (and / or things) due to their own behavior that does not comply with the law and / or diligence and / or to the common canons of prudence and common sense;
● to relieve the Va' Sentiero Association, their collaborators and / or employees, as well as any successors in title, from liability for any and all damage (even caused by third parties) that may arise to his person on the occasion and / or due to sporting activity carried out on the occasion of the journey, expressly specifying that this indemnity will also operate against his heirs and / or successors in title;
● to have carefully read and evaluated the contents of this document and have a clear understanding of the meaning of every single point before signing it;
● to fully understand and share the aims of the safety rules established for your safety and that failure to respect them can put both you and your companions in a dangerous situation.