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Bivacco Pian del Lago > Rifugio Schiazzera

Altitude gain*
*Cosa vuol dire?

Il simbolo + indica il dislivello positivo (cioè in salita) complessivo della tappa; il simbolo - quello negativo (cioè in discesa).

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Punto interesse

Quite a long stage with many kilometers, but fast to travel: there are no significant differences in altitude and the path is always well practicable. 

Lake Schiazzera and Pian Fusino Lake are the wonders of the day, before arriving at the mythical mountain lodge, beautiful and always lively.

Special Notes

Water points are absent from Carette to Rifugio Schiazzera: bring a good supply.

when to go
June - September
Suitable for
how to get there
description of the route

We lose altitude (approximately 350 m drop) towards Rifugio Malghera. After arriving at the mountain lodge and visiting the beautiful Sanctuary of the Madre delle Misericordie, we continue halfway up along the entire Val Grosina Occidentale. The stretch is long and a bit monotonous, but it flows quickly thanks to the comfortable road. Upon reaching Carette, we return to the path and begin a short climb (approx. 250 m height difference) into the woods. We return on a slight uphill, very panoramic cross path, overlooking the distant Adamello and the Orobie. 

We pass Bivacco Salina (that offers some shade and rest to those who are tired) and we continue sideways. A short but intense ramp (approx. 100 m height difference) takes us to Monte Croce (those who want to shorten it can go down directly to Rifugio Schiazzera and reach it in half an hour).

We continue northwards, on a well-kept military road made of stones, and we go up (approximately 100 m height difference) to the crest of Forcoletta. Going up and down the hillside, we bypass Pian Fusino from above. Below, the delightful small lake of Pian Fusino appears, surrounded by rhododendrons. We soon reach Lake Schiazzera, in a wild environment, dominated to the south-east by the imposing Monte Masuccio (2,816 m). The bravest ones can try to dive in.

After crossing some wide plains, we descend (approximately 350 m drop) comfortably towards Rifugio Schiazzera.

What to know

We are in areas that were once very affected by smuggling (especially coffee): the upper Val Saiento allows a relatively easy passage to Valle Poschiavo (through Passo Portone), that is why many of the current paths originated from ones beaten by the “spalloni”, often chased by the police: Rifugio Schiazzera itself was born from former barracks of the Guardia di Finanza.

The origins of the traditional costume of Grosio are uncertain. It is of oriental style and still worn by older women. It is said that its origin is linked to numerous contacts with the Republic of Venice. Not only did many of the inhabitants of Grosio enlist in the army of the Serenissima, but in the second half of the 17th century, numerous Grosini artisans emigrated to Venice, where they gave wide demonstrations of their mastery, so much so as to induce the Serenissima to give them an unusual gift: precious female slaves from Armenia, famous for their haughty beauty.

What to see

In Val Grosina, in the Dosso dei Castelli locality, it is possible to enter the Grosio Rock Engravings Park

Rupe Magna is an authentic jewel, a huge boulder full of engravings (almost 5000!) dating from the 4th to the 1st millennium BC

For more info, timetables and tickets, follow the LINK.

what to eat

The Pestada is the magical ingredient that makes any local dish special. 

It is a homemade flavoring, a mixture of garlic, pepper, salt, dwarf yarrow, and wild thyme leaves. 

Every family has its own secret recipe and often they add grappa or wine to it.

where to sleep

Bivacco Grassello, in the cross path along the Val Grosina Occidentale; only tables and benches, with stove. Always Open

Bivacco Alpe Salina, on the cross path towards Monte Croce. Spartan structure, equipped with stove and 6 beds. Always Open

Rifugio Schiazzera, in the upper Val Saiento . Tel. +39 347 260 8250 - +39 333 529 4429

How to Reach

Starting point NOT reachable by car.

The nearest location reachable by car is Malghera.

Departure point NOT reachable by bus.

The nearest location reachable by bus is Grosio, starting from the town of Tirano. 

Here the LINK to check the timetables.

Starting point NOT reachable by train.

“At Rifugio Schiazzera there is an air of celebration. An old man sings a popular song and all the young volunteers sing along”

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