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Capanna Como > Garzeno

Altitude gain*
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Il simbolo + indica il dislivello positivo (cioè in salita) complessivo della tappa; il simbolo - quello negativo (cioè in discesa).

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Punto interesse

A very long and demanding stage for the differences in height: some technical difficulties only in the first section (Passo dell'Orso and the following cross path).

The upper Valle del Dosso is very beautiful, studded with icy water pots where we can cool off.

Special Notes

The stage is a variation of the Sentiero Italia (which reaches Garzeno from Peglio, staying low in altitudes). It was preferred for the beauty of Val Darengo: those who don't want to struggle can follow the original track. 

The Passo dell'Orso has a short equipped passage, immediately after having climbed over it.

The cross path following the pass is not insignificant and, in some exposed sections, requires a firm step.

In some parts the signage is really difficult to locate: keep an eye on the GPS.

Do not take the path that from the cross path, descends to the valley from the ruins of Alpe Caurga (the path gets lost immediately, making it quite complicated). Take the one that starts from Alpe Mogna, a few hundred meters later.

At the bottom of Valle del Dosso, in the locality of Caiasco, it is necessary to create a descending path (there is no trail) to connect to the one below, that goes back north to go beyond the Liro stream.

when to go
May - October
Suitable for
how to get there
description of the route

We start on the Alta Via del Lario, immediately uphill towards the Passo dell'Orso (approximately 400 m height difference). The path and the stony ground make this stretch quite demanding. A very short section, equipped with a ladder, awaits us after the pass (2,165 m). Afterward, we face the long cross path that runs through the head of Valle del Dosso, which sometimes is a little exposed. From Alpe Mogna we take the path that descends steeply to Alpe Mugium (approximately 400 m drop).

Once we reach the bottom of the valley, we treat ourselves to a refreshing bath in the many pools created by the stream. We travel the entire valley: arriving at Alpe Porcile, we take the comfortable carriage road. After passing Cucchetta, we take the path (barely visible) to our right and go down to intercept Via dei Monti Lariani, on the right side.

We pass the Liro stream and go up towards Piazza. From there, it begins a long cross path with ups and downs along the Valle Santo Jorio, always remaining on Via dei Monti Lariani, which allows us to circumnavigate the ridge of Monte Cortafon. We pass several pastures. From Levia we go up a little and intercept a short stretch of paved road to return to our path, up to the beautiful little church of Sant'Anna. Finally, a short descent brings us to Garzeno.

What to know

In the nearby town of Dongo, on April 27, 1945, Benito Mussolini was captured by the partisans of the 52nd Garibaldi Brigade "Luigi Clerici".

Blocked by the partisan brigades, the convoy where he was hiding was allowed to pass on the condition of an inspection, during which Mussolini (disguised as a Wehrmacht soldier) and his mistress Clara Petacci were found. The following day they were shot in what is today the municipality of Tremezzina. 

This event led to several unsolved mysteries, such as the Mussolini-Churchill correspondence and the killing, in the following weeks, of the partisans Giuseppina Tuissi and Captain "Neri", involved in the matter.

What to see

The Church of San Pietro in Garzeno is very old: the first building dates back at least to 1172 (the year when it appears in an ecclesiastical manuscript). Inside you can admire fascinating frescoes and ancient finely worked metal furnishings.

what to eat

The Risotto with perch is an excellent lake dish, typical of Lombard lakes. The perch fillets are breaded and fried and placed on a classic white risotto.

where to sleep

Albergo Sole, in Garzeno. tel. +39 0344 88056 

Albergo De Jean, in Garzeno. Tel. +39 0344 88022

How to Reach

Starting point NOT reachable by car.

The closest location reachable by car is Crotto Dangri.

Departure point NOT reachable by bus.

The closest location reachable by bus is Livo with a change in Dongo, starting from the city of Como. 

Here the LINK to check the timetables.

Starting point NOT reachable by train.

“The Dosso Valley seems to never end ... maybe it's because we continue to stop in the pools of crystal clear water for a dip”

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