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Passo della Bocchetta > Colle di Creto

Altitude gain*
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Il simbolo + indica il dislivello positivo (cioè in salita) complessivo della tappa; il simbolo - quello negativo (cioè in discesa).

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Punto di partenza
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Struttura ricettiva
Punto interesse

A long stage, with several small differences in height, but smooth and without difficulty.

The highlight of the day is the beautiful Sanctuary of Nostra Signora della Vittoria, dedicated to the prodigious victory of the Republic of Genoa against the much larger Franco-Savoyard army.

Special Notes

The signs are sometimes partial, it is good to keep an eye on the GPS.

On the ridges, given the proximity to the sea, it is easy to encounter strong gusts of wind.

The only water point is in the towns of Vittoria and Canova Crocetta.

when to go
March - November
Suitable for
how to get there
description of the route

We walk along a wide (almost) leveled dirt road: in some crossroads, there are no signs, and one must be careful not to miss the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri. Moving for a long time in the bushes, we lose altitude (approximately 300 m drop) and slowly arrive at the Passo dei Giovi (472 m), under which the A7 motorway passes.

From there, alternating a carriage road with parts of the asphalted road, we barely gain altitude up to the village of Vittoria, where the Sanctuary of Nostra Signora della Vittoria is worth a visit. We take the path that climbs sharply (approximately 100 m height difference) in the woods, up to the south-east shoulder of Monte Vittoria. Then it loses a little altitude and covers the dorsal area, with a good view of the surrounding hills, going down gently up to the town of Canova Crocetta, one of the lowest passes in the Ligurian Apennines.

From Canova, we start again uphill (approx. 300 m height difference), first on the road, and then on the path which is sometimes slightly steep, without ever being complicated. At the end of the climb, a long stretch of the ridge, often panoramic, awaits us: just north of Monte Sella, we pass the chapel of the same name, which celebrates the deeds of the partisan brigade "Balilla". We continue along the ridge and we descend (150 m), on a good path. Finally, with a more decisive downhill stretch, we arrive at the village of Colle di Creto (605 m).

What to know

On Monte Sella, from 1943 to 1945, was active the “Brigata Balilla”, the first partisan mountain formation to enter Genoa during the insurrection of 23-25 April 1945.

The term "balilla", used during the Fascist period to indicate children aged 8 to 14 rigidly framed in youth groups, is the word used in Genoa to indicate children, an affectionate nickname that derives from "palla" (ball) - meaning "pallina" (small ball).

During the Revolt of Genoa against the Austrians in 1746, a young man named Giambattista Perasso, nicknamed Balilla, threw a stone against the occupiers thus unleashing the popular rebellion.

For this reason, fascism took up the name to indicate the young patriot (8-14 years old): curiously, also the commander of a brigade of partisans was called Balilla (Grillotti). He was captured and shot by the fascists, which is why the partisans gave his name to the Ligurian brigade.

What to see

On the Pertuso Pass, in a dominant position over the Val Polcevera, stands the Sanctuary of Nostra Signora della Vittoria, built to thank the Virgin after the victory against the Duke of Savoy, Carlo Emanuele I who, in 1625, tried to occupy Genoa, at the head of a Franco-Savoyard army of 8,000 men.

Near the place where the Sanctuary stands today, a handful of soldiers of the Republic of Genoa, flanked by volunteers from Val Polcevera (led by a local priest) and a group of bandits (enlisted with the promise of being pardoned in case of victory ), stopped the Duke's army and thus saved the Republic of Genoa.

what to eat

One of the must-haves by those who cross the Genoese territory is the typical farinata, characterized by its simple and irresistible flavor, and made with chickpea flour mixed with water and oil and baked in the oven. If you taste it at the table, it can be served with vegetables or cheese.

where to sleep

Locanda dei Cacciatori, in Creto. Tel. +39 010 9689236


B&B Kokopelli, in Creto. Tel. +39 339 565 9828


Agriturismo De Arca, in Creto. Tel. +39 010 968 9290

How to Reach

Starting point reachable by car.


Departure point NOT reachable by bus.

The nearest town reachable by bus and train is Isoverde, leaving from the city of Genoa by train to Pontedecimo, where you can take the bus.

Here the LINK to check the timetables.

Here the LINK to check the timetables.

“We are hosted by our friend Claudio Simonetti, the true soul of the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri”

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