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Pescasseroli > Rifugio Duca d'Aosta

Altitude gain*
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Il simbolo + indica il dislivello positivo (cioè in salita) complessivo della tappa; il simbolo - quello negativo (cioè in discesa).

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Punto interesse

With an easy stage, very short and with little height difference (resting) we move momentarily to Lazio, walking through beautiful beech woods.

Special Notes

The stage represents a variant of the Sentiero Italia (which from Rivisondoli bends south-east, towards Pescolanciano, and then heads south-west towards Isernia), chosen to cross the marvelous Abruzzo villages and the mountainous group of Mainarde.

The only water point is at the Baita Padre Terzi Alpine (Fonte della Difesa).

when to go
May - October
Suitable for
how to get there
description of the route

We leave Pescasseroli following the level asphalted road towards the south; then, at the crossroads, we take the dirt road on the right, towards the Rifugio della Difesa. Thus begins the slow climb to the Rifugio Duca d'Aosta (approx. 200 m height difference). We proceed comfortably until we reach the great Fonte della Difesa and shortly after the baita alpina Padre Terzi. Entering the woods, we continue up and down, until we reach a crossroad; we keep to the left, then we cross the large plain of Campo Rotondo.

At the end of the plain, we face a short ramp, after which we veer south-east circumventing Monte Serra Traversa along its northern slopes. Shortly after, we arrive at the Rifugio Duca d'Aosta.

What to know

We are in the heart of the Monti Marsicani, a name that derives from the ancient Marsi people who lived in the area between Abruzzo and Lazio, from here to the Fucino plain.

In the first millennium BC, the Marsi were located around what was once the Fucino Lake; later, the Romans, thanks to a brilliant work of hydraulic engineering, emptied the lake to exploit its fertile soil.

What to see

When you walk in these mountains, you have to keep your eyes open to check where you put your feet: you can come across the tracks of the Marsican bear.

About fifty bears live in the park, which are gradually expanding, reaching the Monti della Laga. In 2020, due to the lockdown for the Covid pandemic, many bears approached the villages: the bear Amarena, with her cubs, has become a real star.

The bear is the symbol of the National Park. The great predator is still in danger of extinction and there are still too many episodes of poaching; however, accidents with cars and trains represent the main cause of mortality. For this reason, an orange sign with the silhouette of the bear is often present along the roads, inviting drivers to be careful. Today this sign has become the symbol of the association Salviamo l'orso (Let's save the bear).

what to eat

The tacconelle, or sagne a pèzze, are a typical type of fresh pasta from Abruzzo; similar to maltagliati, they can have a rhombus or square shape.

It is a traditional peasant dish that is usually eaten with fresh tomato sauce and basil.

where to sleep

Rifugio Duca d'Aosta, 3 km south of Forca d'Acero (self-managed mountain lodge, you must ask for the keys at the CAI section of San Donato Val di Comino). Tel. +39 340 890 0435

How to Reach

Starting point reachable by car.


Starting point reachable by bus, starting from the town of Avezzano.

Here the LINK to check the timetables.


Starting point NOT reachable by train.

“Memorable stage, under the universal deluge: the climb to Monte Tranquillo ... it is anything but tranquil!”

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