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Prato di Resia > Sella Nevea

Altitude gain*
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Il simbolo + indica il dislivello positivo (cioè in salita) complessivo della tappa; il simbolo - quello negativo (cioè in discesa).

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Punto di partenza
Punto d'arrivo
Punto acqua
Struttura ricettiva
Punto interesse

Long and challenging stage, with positive differences (both negative and negative),and some technical difficulties especially at the beginning: suitable only for trained, and expert hikers.

In particular, the panorama of the Julian Pre-Alps and Monte Canin (2,587 m) is magnificent.

Special Notes

Due to meteorological reasons at the time of detection, the section indicated here is a variation of the Sentiero Italia (although coinciding at the departure and arrival points).

In the uphill stretch from Stallo Bucovizza onwards, the slope is really difficult and because of the tall grass, it might be difficult to follow the path. There are no signs and the use of GPS is essential.

Very high risk of ticks.

The descent from Ricovero Igor Crasso is very difficult: the ground is extremely slippery, there are several trees on the ground and at times the path is particularly exposed.

when to go
May - October
Suitable for
how to get there
description of the route

We go through a first stretch on a slight slope, until we reach Martignilas. From there we begin a difficult climb (approx. 600 m height difference ) towards Cima Tulsti. From Stallo Bucovizza ,the slope is extremely considerable and the route cuts perpendicularly the isohypses. Moreover, the path is often not visible and we walk in the tall grass, among the black pines. Very high risk of ticks.

Once we reach the top, we descend a little and then go up towards Cima Tanacope. Shortly after passing on a mule track and then on a carriage road, the path becomes easier and more fluid with gentle ups and downs.

Just before Monte Calzano, the path begins to climb again (approx. 300 m height difference). The last stretch towards Sella Buia is very demanding and exposed, but the view is spectacular. At the top, the old Ricovero Igor Crasso allows us to stock up on water and catch our breath. The worst part begins in Sella Buia: a very steep and complicated descent of 3 km (approx. 1,100 m drop), to the village of Pezzeit.

Finally, from Pezzeit a long stretch of paved road (10 km) leads us to Sella Nevea. On the way, we pass by Pian della Sega: it is worth taking the path leading to the beautiful Fontanon di Goriuda waterfalls.

What to know

Since the 1960s Sella Nevea has been a well-known ski resort but over the years this sector has suffered various crises.

Summer tourism is growing, in particular speleological activities in the Karst plateau of Canin.

What to see

The Fontanone di Goriuda is a postcard waterfall: the jet of water flowing from the karst channels of Monte Canin plunges into the underlying crystal clear lake.

It is possible to easily reach the back of the waterfall, from where you can enjoy a truly suggestive view and visit the caves from where the Fontanone comes out.

what to eat

At any time of the day, it is worth stopping for a bite to eat at Trattoria Fontanon in Goriuda. Here you can taste the local cuisine in a warm and welcoming environment, while admiring the large fireplace in the center of the room.

Homemade gnocchi are a delicacy and all vegetables come from the adjacent vegetable garden. We also recommend trout, caught in the pond in front of the restaurant, and seasoned with wild herbs. To finish the lunch, you cannot miss out on a mountain pine grappa.

where to sleep

Ricovero Igor Crasso , in Sella Buia. It has 11 beds with a mattress (between ground floor and mezzanine), kitchen, stove and solar panel lighting. Always Open.


Rifugio Julia, in Sella Nevea. Tel. +39 0433 54014


In Sella Nevea there are several restaurants and hotels. But be careful of the season: being mainly a winter tourism resort, there is a risk of finding everything closed in summer.

How to Reach

Starting point reachable by car.


Starting point is reachable by bus from the city of Udine with a change in Cividale.

Here the LINK to check the timetables.


Departure point NOT reachable by train.

“During the summer, Sella Nevea is often deserted, with the exception of roe deer running free in the midst of large apartment buildings”

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